Kenya Mission Fundraiser

Spreading Faith and Hope

My name is Christian Bush and I am from Nashville, TN. I am a Sophomore attending Franklin Christian Academy. I love to read, write, spend time with my friends, exercise, and most of all, I love to see the world and travel this Earth that God has gifted us with.

When I was seven years old, my parents and I went on our first mission trip, to Guatemala, with our church. One day, we traveled to a small community to help build a few homes and help with a dental clinic. I specifically remember a girl my age named Melanie. I remember her smile so well. I was young and didn’t understand that not everyone got to live such fortunate lives as I do. I remember looking around the small field of grass that contained a few very run-down homes and thinking to myself “How can someone be happy when they are living like this?” But Melanie was always smiling. She wasn’t just happy, she was joyful! She had the joy of the Lord within her. Though I was confused, I still remember how her smile touched my heart and lit a fire in me for global missions.

Now, as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize what this joy really is from Jesus. With Him, the things of this earth do not matter. God has been tugging on my heart, trying to show me that my identity lies with Him and telling people about the love of Jesus is my very purpose. We were put here in this life for one thing, and that is to bring people closer to God and to make the Kingdom of Heaven crowded! And sure, that’s a generic thing to say, but something in my heart tells me it’s the most true thing we can know. God loves us ALL and ALL He wants for us is to be close to Him.

Now that I have grown in my own identity and faith, I want to bring other people to Him to experience the joy that Melanie and the other people of that small town in Guatemala, had. The joy that is found deep within all of us.

In March, I have been blessed with an amazing opportunity to travel to Nairobi, Kenya. We will serve with Swahiba Networks and First Priority Global, where I will be telling people about Jesus, serving in schools, bringing smiles to a young boy’s in a detention center and spending time in the largest slum in Africa. There I will have the opportunity to pray for widows and hand out food baskets. I will also get the opportunity to wash little children’s feet and place brand new shoes on them, all while praying that they would encounter the joy of the Lord.

As Christians, we are called to unite together to love the least of these and to tell the world the good news of the Gospel. If the Lord leads, I would love for you to partner with me in this mission. Your generous donation will aid First Priority Global Ministry and Swahiba Networks in purchasing new shoes and socks for children in the Kibera slum, food baskets for widows in the Kibera slum, snacks and Bibles for school children/youth and snacks and Bibles for young men who are incarcerated. I will get the opportunity to hand these donated gifts directly to the recipients and pray for them. You can donate below. If you are unable to donate, please pray for me, my family and the precious people of Kenya as we spread the Gospel to those who may not otherwise hear it. God uses us. This I know for sure. And I am certain that He will use us to reach hearts in Africa!


Target $2100

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for your Donation

God bless

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