Kenya Mission Fundraiser

Spreading Faith and Hope

My name is Grey Anderson and I am 16 years old from Nashville, Tennessee. I am a sophomore in high school at Franklin Christian Academy. I enjoy playing in golf tournaments, hanging out with family and friends, reading, volunteering, listening to music, and using photography to see the world God has given us through a better lens. I have been invited to go to Nairobi, Kenya with my close friends and Mom to serve the children and families in the slums.

I want to go because when I was young, I went on a mission trip to Haiti. I loved it, even though I didn’t understand at the time why God had sent me there to help them. We taught the kids there simple games like Uno and War. I learned about their culture. They were always so happy and I was confused about why. They had no home, no shoes, no clothes that fit them, and little family. They were always smiling even though they had nothing. I don’t think it was because they were happy the way they were living, they just had joy inside of them. The joy in their smiles encouraged me to pour into them more and give them the best help or time they could ask for. We didn’t speak the same language or look the same, but we always did smile and laugh with each other. There was this one kid I remember well, his name was Love. I remember Love and I playing soccer in the streets of Les Cayes together. At the end of the trip, It was hard to let go of the new friendship I made, but the least I could do was give him my shoes. He loved the orange color of them and was surprised that they fit him perfectly. There was no better feeling than seeing God work through me to help good people without the same opportunities as me. Another thing that inspired me to want to go on this trip is that I have two adopted brothers from Taiwan. When I traveled to Taipei, I saw how orphans lived and were treated. Now that they are home it is hard to not think of them as family.

If I get the opportunity to go on this trip, I want to bring the kids there joy. I don’t know how God will have me do this, but he has a plan for me and I will listen to him. We will be there for a full week and it includes helping with homes, providing food, introducing people to God, going to jails to talk to people about God, encouraging young people, and playing games with the villagers.

I was saved last summer at youth camp. I feel the need to be around people my age to help them grow closer to God or find God because the friends around me when I got saved were one of the most important parts of my decision. Now that I understand the word of God and what he’s telling me to do I can help others out more than ever.

If you feel a tug from the Lord, I’d love your help on this trip. You can help by donating with the link attached to help with the supplies for the people I will meet. If you are unable to help by donating, please keep my close friends and family and kids we will meet in your prayers. All of the funds will be going to a great cause and not only impact them but also me and my friends and family as we spread the word of Jesus around the world.

Thank you

for your Donation

God bless

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