51-year-old Grace Jorika, a mother of five children, went two days without any meal. Her employer had committed to consistently cover her house rent besides paying for the laundry services she offered.
Unfortunately, Grace’s employer contracted the Covid-19 and passed away, leaving her without a source of income to care for her children and her sister’s children, whom she was left in charge of after her sister’s death. She told us that after losing her only job, she fell deeply into debt and was unable to pay her rent or buy food for the children. Grace expressed her sincere gratitude after receiving the food basket.
We encourage you to take part in becoming a conduit of hope to this community through your contributions to purchase a food basket. #swahibanetworks partnership@swahiba.org, www.swahiba.org
Hello, I like your vision and objectives. Reaching out to the marginalised groups is one sure way of carrying out God’s mission to his people! Congrats