12 weeks discipleship Journey

July 6, 2023
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

We are committed to journeying alongside new believers as they progress on their path to becoming wholehearted followers of Christ through intentional discipleship. This program is design for new believers who give their lives to Christ during our activities including Abide Camp

At our core, we are driven by a deep conviction to foster spiritual growth and development in individuals who have recently embraced faith in Christ. We recognize that the journey of a new believer is both exhilarating and challenging, filled with questions, uncertainties, and the need for guidance. It is our purpose to come alongside these individuals, offering support, encouragement, and biblical teachings as they embark on their path of discipleship.

Why do we invest in discipleship? Because we believe that the process of intentional discipleship is vital for the spiritual maturity and transformation of believers. By walking alongside new believers, we aim to provide them with a strong foundation in the teachings of Christ, equipping them with the knowledge, values, and practical skills necessary to live out their faith authentically and passionately.

Discipleship is not just about imparting information; it is about fostering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and helping others do the same. We understand that discipleship involves more than just attending church services or studying the Bible. It is a holistic approach that encompasses teaching, mentorship, accountability, and nurturing a vibrant community of believers.

By investing in discipleship, we seek to empower new believers to grow in their faith, discover their unique purpose and gifts, and actively participate in the mission of Christ. We long to see them become bold ambassadors of love, grace, and truth in their families, schools, workplaces, and communities. Our ultimate aim is to see lives transformed, hearts set on fire for God, and a ripple effect of discipleship that impacts generations to come.

Through our dedication to walking alongside new believers, we strive to create a supportive and transformative environment where they can experience the fullness of life in Christ and become fully devoted followers of Him.

Get involved and be a catalyst for spiritual growth in others.


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