A thank you letter from Josphine Mmbone

July 10, 2020
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

We are excited to share with our partners and friends a thank you letter from Josphine Mmbone, one of the beneficiaries of the food baskets. Josphine is a member of the Jitambue Purity Program-JPP Club(a discipleship program for high school girls) and a student from New Horizon Secondary School in Kibera Slums.


As Josphine has stated in her thank you letter, many young people living in the slums are worried about contracting Covid-19 and it’s impact on their ability to continue with their education whenever schools reopen.

Please continue praying for all the students involved in our programs living in the slums of Kibera that they will continue to experience God’s protection and provision.

We are on our 14th week of sharing the gospel and distributing food baskets to families from Kibera slums, 56 more families at risk have benefitted from the food baskets.

Cumulatively, 1210 families have experienced the gospel wrapped up in a food basket.

We are committed to continue sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ during these dark and uncertain times as well as the provision of food baskets.

Partner with God and Swahiba Networks to meet temporal needs in order to share Eternal Truth.

Click on this link to give: bit.ly/KiberaFoodBaskets


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