June 18, 2024
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

Since the day I decided to go to Kenya for missions, I knew I was going to learn a lot, but nothing could have prepared me for this. It is one thing to hear stories about the change God can bring, but a completely different experience to see the transformation personally. God has allowed me to help grow His kingdom and use me to pour into many of the kids at the school we visited. There is one moment I will never forget, and that was at one of the schools we went to. We sang for all the kids and teachers; everyone was really getting into the songs. I could feel how much energy was in the room. Then we broke into groups to talk to the students.

Before meeting the students, my group prayed and asked God to speak through us and for life change to happen. God did just that. My group introduced ourselves, answered questions about America, and then presented the gospel. After we presented the gospel, we asked if anyone would like to give their life to Christ, and one girl raised her hand. My friend and I pulled her aside to talk to her and help walk her through the process. Right before we were about to pray, two more girls walked over and said they wanted to give their lives to Christ. We then led them in prayer, and those three girls were saved. In that moment, I could feel the Holy Spirit, and it was overwhelming.

It is a moment I will never forget because it has changed my heart. It showed me that I am called into missions. I have felt for a while that the Lord is calling me into travel nursing to help people both physically and spiritually. This moment solidified that thought. I am so grateful to be able to come to Kenya and experience things like this, and I know God is not done yet. There is so much more life change to happen.
#mission #kenyamission #swahibanetworks #burnthikory


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