Abide Camp at a Glance

July 3, 2023
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

Abide Camp provides a unique opportunity to gather all the beneficiaries of our high school programs, including the Jitambue Purity Program and First Priority Clubs, for a truly life-changing experience. This camp is open to students from all levels, with a special focus on those who are still uncertain about their life direction. It serves as a platform for mentorship, empowerment, and personal growth.

One of the key aspects of Abide Camp is the chance for our MEP graduates to begin the journey of mentoring others. Through this camp, they can share their experiences and wisdom, inspiring and guiding younger students. To enhance the camp experience, we invite some of our most impactful speakers from throughout the year to lead our main sessions. Their expertise and insights contribute to the transformative atmosphere of the camp.

As the camp draws to a close, we reflect on the incredible impact it has had on the participants. We express our gratitude to God, recognizing that the efforts and resources invested were undoubtedly worthwhile. The positive changes witnessed in the lives of the attendees reaffirm the importance of programs like Abide Camp and motivate us to continue offering similar opportunities in the future.

#aWorthyInvestment #BuildingBrighterPaths #AbideBOLDfaith2023 #swahibanetworks


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