Abide Rooted 2019 Fun & Life Changing (Nakyato Olivia)

September 16, 2019
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

My name is Nakyato Olivia from Uganda. It’s my first time to come to Abide Camp and to Kenya as well. I thank God for the opportunity to be part of such a great camp; to be honest I have not remained the same. There’s lots of fun in the games and also learning in the main tent from the preaching. On Tuesday Rev. Ken Aringo taught about the practical steps to live a life of purity and I was so touched by the message. The food is great as well as the band. But above all, I am overwhelmed by the team work, unity and great love of the Swahiba Team. All activities are done in an orderly manner following time management. By God’s grace I hope to be part of very more Abide Camps to come

Thank You


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