Abide Rooted Camp 2019 (Muwanguzi Arthur)

September 12, 2019
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

First of all I want to thank God for the opportunity given to me to be part of Abide Rooted Camp 2019 in Kenya and I also thank Him for using the vision bearer Mr. Peter Abungu.

From the first day we started the camp, I have experienced a lot of things such as cooperative leaders both Ugandans and Kenyans plus some from UK. I have enjoyed unity, the setting up of all things the students love and desperation for God.

Morning devotions which are so inspiring words of wisdom from two preachers which shaped my spirit and mind, the worship team from Nakuru which is so awesome and amazing. Another thing that increased my joy is the sports which are so interesting with a good sports team.

Performance evaluation about the leaders before sleep is something that increased my knowledge of leadership and wisdom

In all everything that is happening in the camp just increases my spiritual and mental wisdom and understanding.

Thank you so much the vision bearer and the executive team.

Muwanguzi Arthur


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