Changed from inside-out (Carolyn and Mary)

September 16, 2019
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

Having visited Kibera earlier in the year with a team of 9 of us from our church serving with the swahiba team, we were so excited to be a part of Abide Camp 2019.

Working with the Swahiba staff team we had already experienced the servant hearted, life-giving, joyful way they work with the young people of Kibera and Abide Camp has been no different.

It has been a privilege and humbling experience to be able to serve with them again. Seeing the impact on the young people enjoying great food, making friends, having fun and engaging in lively worship and inspiring teaching is something we will never forget.

The young people are encouraged to embrace every opportunity at camp to enable them to go home changed from the person that arrived. Without a doubt that is our own experience too!

It is very encouraging to know that though the young people go back to Kibera, it will be with the support and follow up of Swahiba’s ongoing programmes.

Asanti sana team swahiba. Until next time!

Carolyn and Mary.


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