Food Baskets for 1792 families So far

September 28, 2020
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

Alongside the Abide Unlimited Live on Radio and the 12 Weeks Discipleship journey that followed thereafter, we have continued with the Food Baskets distributions.

So far 1792 families have benefitted not only by meeting their physical needs but also through the sharing of the Gospel, which is the Hope of Christ for them.

Rodgers, a member of the First Priority Club (Student-led discipleship strategy) in his school. Rodgers family benefitted from the Food Basket distribution that has provided relief for his family, however, they are facing the risk of eviction because their house rent for the last three months has not been paid.

We are delighted to share his thank you letter with Swahiba Networks ministry partners and friends. Please take a moment to read his letter and remember their family in prayers.

We are committed to continuing sharing the hope that can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ during these dark and uncertain times as well as the provision of food baskets.

Partner with God and Swahiba Networks to meet temporal needs in order to share Eternal have Truth.Click on this link to give:


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