Jiggers Clinic

February 25, 2024
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

The Jiggers Clinic, held in collaboration with Light Mission Africa, and Rays of Care Kenya was both heartening and bittersweet. We successfully educated 120 students and 11 elderly individuals about the dangers of jigger infestation and the significance of maintaining hygiene. Additionally, they were treated for jiggers and provided with socks and shoes.

However, it was disheartening to realize that there are still numerous other victims in different locations who have yet to receive assistance. Nonetheless, we remain optimistic, trusting in divine connections to accelerate our efforts to make a meaningful difference.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our partners and friends who have consistently supported us in this endeavour.

To get involved

Donate Online: https://bit.ly/tabasamu

Get in touch info@swahiba.org




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