“My heart is so full! This is my third time serving in Kenya with Swahiba Networks. I keep coming back because I know the importance of the work they do in Kibera. They are sharing the love of Christ, and I love being a part of that. The staff at Swahiba is like family now they are my brothers and sisters in Christ. Each time I serve with a team in Kibera, I see the smiles and joy of people who may seem to have nothing, but they have Jesus, and He is always enough!”
Burnt Hickory Baptist Church Missions at Burnt Hickory
#kenyamission #mission #swahibanetworks
Ministry Goals 2025
We thank God for the gift of a new year and are deeply grateful to be healthy and alive to witness His goodness in the land of the living. As 2025 begins, we are excited to announce the vision He has placed on our hearts to reach 13,109 lives with impactful programs...