Meet Lucy (Covid-19 Kibera Food Baskets wk 7)

May 26, 2020
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

Meet Lucy, who was inspired through the MEP program business training to start her own small business of selling spices. Her initial investment was Ksh200 ($2). Currently, she is making Ksh500 ($5) profit a day from her business which she uses to support her mum and sister.

Lucy is among the 44 families of the MEP Girls and 13 widows that have this week benefitted from the food baskets distribution. So far, 782 vulnerable and families at risk have benefited, bringing us much closer to our 1000 families target.

Swahiba Ministries considers this a privilege to be used of God to shine the light of Christ and as a beckon of hope in these uncertain times.

Partner with God and Swahiba Networks to meet temporal needs in order to share Eternal Truth.Click on this link to give:


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