Tabasamu give shoes give a smile

December 8, 2023
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

Tabasamu Shoe Distribution in Nairobi County continues its impactful efforts. Today we partnered with the Edmund Rice Center, which is dedicated to supporting children with disabilities. Our deliberate choice to collaborate with this center stems from its focus on addressing significant challenges faced by children with disabilities in areas where access to medical and therapeutic facilities is limited, and societal marginalization is unfortunately prevalent.

The center caters to special children from Kibera and Southlands Kijiji slums, organizing them into various levels, including foundation, intermediate, and pre-vocational classes. The foundation classes emphasize muscle development through playing with toys and personal care. The prevocational classes engage in hands-on activities such as catering, tapestry, detergent production, beadwork, hair and beauty, barbering, urban farming, tailoring, and ICT. The duration of time spent at the center is tailored to each child’s ability, skill, and interest.

In our collaborative efforts, 72 disabled children experienced pure joy and adorned smiles as they received brand new pairs of shoes and socks. This partnership goes beyond addressing the immediate need for footwear; it contributes to a broader mission of providing holistic support, breaking down barriers, and fostering a community that embraces and uplifts every individual, regardless of ability.

Your generosity, dear friends and partners, creates a profound impact in underserved communities, and the ripple effect of your kindness is truly immeasurable. Thank you for being a beacon of positive change.

#Tabasamu #SwahibaNetworks


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