The Jitambue Aid Program

April 16, 2024
by Swahiba@OlympicDrive

The Jitambue Aid Program is dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable girls in our Jitambue Purity Program. Through this initiative, these girls are paired with generous donors who contribute to provide essential support throughout their high school journey. This donation covers the costs of dignity packs, weekly mentorship sessions, life skills training, annual youth camp fees, food baskets, and a pair of shoes. By alleviating financial burdens, we enable these girls to focus on their education, laying a solid foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our supporters for their unwavering support and commitment to transforming the lives of these girls.

We also extend a warm invitation to others to join us in this noble cause. Your contribution will make a significant impact on the lives of these girls, providing them with essential support and opportunities for a better future.

For further details, please reach out to


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