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Tabasamu Kilifi County shoe distribution

Tabasamu Kilifi County shoe distribution

The Tabasamu Kilifi County shoe distribution project has reached its heartwarming conclusion, and it was an unforgettable journey, with our final stop at the remote Mulungu wa Mawe Primary and Junior High School in the heart of Kilifi County. The need for shoes here...
Tabasamu Partnerships

Tabasamu Partnerships

Tabasamu Shoe Distribution has consistently flourished thanks to its steadfast dedication to strategic partnerships. Our initial step in any undertaking revolves around forging strategic alliances within the specific community, closely collaborating with schools,...
Tabasamu give shoes give a smile

Tabasamu give shoes give a smile

Tabasamu Shoe Distribution has kicked off its mission with a resounding bang, and the spotlight this week is shining on the vibrant landscapes of Kilifi County. Our journey commences in the heart of Kauma sub-county, where we are making a lasting impact in Palakumi...
Tabasamu 2023

Tabasamu 2023

As we embarked on the TABASAMU 2023 initiative, we recognized a pressing need among school-going children in the Coastal region and set out for Kilifi County, determined to make a difference. Our primary objective was to visit multiple primary schools and personally...
Brick making for a living

Brick making for a living

“My brother and I are compelled to make bricks and sell them to make a living.” narrated Richard, a 15 year old boy in Asere Primary School . He informed us that his parents do not have a stable source of income, therefore they have to toil in farms and make bricks to...
Dagoretti Special Needs School

Dagoretti Special Needs School

10 year old Fred is a football enthusiast and a student at Dagoretti Special Needs School. He lives with his parents and sister in Kawangware. “Fred is an outstanding young man.” his teacher reckoned. He has a hemiplegic condition which impedes his speech. Even so,...

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