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12 weeks discipleship Journey

12 weeks discipleship Journey

We are committed to journeying alongside new believers as they progress on their path to becoming wholehearted followers of Christ through intentional discipleship. This program is design for new believers who give their lives to Christ during our activities including...
Abide Camp at a Glance

Abide Camp at a Glance

Abide Camp provides a unique opportunity to gather all the beneficiaries of our high school programs, including the Jitambue Purity Program and First Priority Clubs, for a truly life-changing experience. This camp is open to students from all levels, with a special...
Abide Bold Faith

Abide Bold Faith

With unwavering faith, we anticipate that this upcoming youth camp will serve as a pivotal turning point for the majority of the 300 attendees listed. We hold great expectations for their growth and development. Encouragingly, 171 individuals have already found...
Tabasamu 2023

Tabasamu 2023

As we embarked on the TABASAMU 2023 initiative, we recognized a pressing need among school-going children in the Coastal region and set out for Kilifi County, determined to make a difference. Our primary objective was to visit multiple primary schools and personally...
Abide Bold Faith

Abide Bold Faith

We anticipate a great move of God this summer at the Abide Bold Faith Camp 2023. We implore all our ministry partners and friends to pray that every student invited will encounter Christ at camp and have their lives transformed for eternity. #abidecamps...
Mentorship and Empowerment 10th Graduation

Mentorship and Empowerment 10th Graduation

Mentorship and Empowerment Program – MEP Class of 2023 has graduated! 67 young ladies successfully completed 11 weeks of training in trade and skills, enabling them to become self-dependant and financially independent. A total of 702 MEP Girls have been trained...
Swahiba Connection Centre

Swahiba Connection Centre

Absolutely overwhelmed by what God has done through the obedience of God’s people at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church. The Swahiba Networks Ministry Centre now allows us to minister to the youth, children, widows, and pastors without any limitation. All glory to God!...
Going two day without food

Going two day without food

51-year-old Grace Jorika, a mother of five children, went two days without any meal. Her employer had committed to consistently cover her house rent besides paying for the laundry services she offered. Unfortunately, Grace’s employer contracted the Covid-19 and...

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